Forensic Review
CIV Inc. performs two type of reviews:
Experience Modifiaction Rating Factor Review.
Current and Previous mod factors
Final Premium Audits
Refunds generated on current to fifteen-year-old policies. Depending on the state and situation.
Here's how it works:
Our experts analyze your experience modification factors and policies for errors.
We prepare documentation to have non-compliant data corrected.
You receive full refunds for any overpaid premiums.
Once you confirm the refunds, we then invoice for our services.
You receive a final report for your records.
Minimal involvement:
Typically, a few phone calls and emails are all it takes. We'll provide updates on your requested timeline to keep you informed.
We will need from you:
A signed and date agreement and LOA (letter of authorization)
All current year Mod Worksheets (we will provide you a list)
CIV Inc. will purchase all historical NCCI Experience Rating Worksheets at our expense.
Policies, final premium audits, and loss runs for each year we review.
We can assist to obtain the information.