Existing Clients
Retain your existing business by having an "independent" add on service most don't have.
Expanded your workers' comp team with zero overhead cost.
Premium refunds and Xmod reductions will strengthen your clients' loyalty and trust.
Protect your relationship with your Underwriter if a correction is needed benefiting your client.
The accuracy of your clients' current and historical data will be confirmed with zero overhead cost.
Shop your clients' business with a healthier Underwriting profile.
Uncover unknown issues, negate surprises at final audit and/or renewal.
Ensure your client is receiving the best insurance at the lowest possible price.
Receive the credit for bringing us in to assist your efforts to lower their comp costs.
Referrals (word of mouth; brings additional business)
Access to updated claim information affecting your clients' Mods over the last 7-12 years.
Again - Expand your workers' comp team at no out-of-pocket cost to you!
Let us help you place your client's business faster, with accurate data, with better coverage at a lower price.
Prospective Clients:
A unique service to offer prospects at zero overhead.
Foot in the door (Low pressure).
Obtain BOR becomes a simpler task.
Reacquire lost business.
Stay in the forefront with prospects while we perform our service.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect. Leland Charais - Forensic Auditor